2020 is nearly over – and for many it cannot come soon enough.
Unfortunately, this Christmas will be like the rest of the year – a low key event with restrictions on gatherings, numbers of visitors and time people can be in the residential aged care facility.
One of the quirks of the COVID rules is that whilst we must restrict numbers in the facility, a resident may leave the facility to attend a family gathering with less restrictions. Further details will be explained below.
A reminder that we will soon be moving to an electronic check in process for staff, contractors and visitors. This is via a Tablet / iPad device called “LoopLearn”. Once registered it uses facial recognition to remember you and then only requires the current symptom and location questions to be answered to pass each time you present to FRC. It also takes your temperature. For Visitors and contractors, a label for a day pass will be printed to wear whilst in the facility.
As always remember that the COVID-19 virus is still active, and there is no wide spread vaccination at the moment.
If you develop any symptoms – get checked for COVID-19, follow the advice and stay away from Finley Regional Care until you are clear and instructed by the public health unit. Further information can be found at: www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19 or the COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 020 080.
FRC will be holding the Resident Christmas Party on Wednesday the 23rd of December – Lunch. Unfortunately, after such a wonderful event last year, this is a Resident, Home Care and Alumuna Residents Only event – no visitors will be permitted due to COVID limits on numbers of attendees.
Christmas Day
We highly recommend residents go out with family or friends to smaller personal gatherings. A designated organiser will need to complete an “Event Registration Form” (available at reception), and include details of location, date, time, attendees and contact details; similar to our screening questions when entering the facility. This will be the best way for Residents, families and friends to gather on Christmas Day. We also have the vehicles for hire / use to assist with any mobility aids. The cars may need to be shared around on the day.
Due to the restriction on numbers in the facility (no more than 2 visitors at a time), A very limited number of significant others may share a lunch with a resident for a nominal charge. Further details are available from Reception and approval is by Management authority only.
Attached is a handy guide produced by NSW Health explaining many of the conditions and restrictions in a format that is easy to read. If you still require further information after reading these documents please call Reception to speak with a staff member in administration.
Continued Visiting Arrangements
As of Wednesday, the 25th November, FRC – Residential Aged Care is allowing any visitors under the following conditions:
The 2 for 1 rule
A maximum of 2 Visitors per 1 Resident at any 1 time
Visiting Hours are:
- Public Holidays – prior booking only and registration with Looplearn required
- Business days 9:00am till 4:30pm and
- Weekends (*when staffed) 10am till 4pm and via a booking – phone (02) 5504 6508
There is no staff in administration on Public Holidays.
Staffing in Administration on weekends is variable and may change at short notice.
This may affect (cancel) visits on weekends at short notice.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
Bookings for any visits on the Weekend is essential – Booked visitors will be contacted, if effected.
All other conditions remain the same:
Facilities are required to:
- Ensure All visitors, staff and contractors pass the daily screening process!
**Note: Hotspots change daily - Record every visitor staff member or contractor’s name and contact details, electronically where possible
- Ensure social distancing is adhered to – No physical contact, stay 1.5 meters apart!
- Ensure children are closely supervised by parents / guardians
- Ask visitors to undertake hand hygiene on entering and leaving; the facility, each house, the resident’s room or other such areas, as well as touching any item or surface.
- Encourage visitors to remain within the resident’s room, go to an outdoor area or any alternative room where the resident and their visitors can keep apart from other residents
- Allow no more than two visitors per resident at a time – this does not mean only the same two people can ever visit a resident.
In addition:
- Masks are not required to be worn at this time – some conditions remain.
- Existing exemptions for Compassionate Grounds will continue.
** Note: Authorised Carers have variable arrangements depending on the individual needs.
Department of Health NSW
These visiting arrangements and conditions of entry may change without notice at any time depending on the local situation, direction from the NSW Public Health Unit or any other such situation deemed suitable by FRC management.
Virtual Visiting remains available by booking with reception on 03 5883 9600 a:
- Window Visit in our Visitor Room
- Video Conference via Skype, Zoom, Facetime etc
- Phone calls.
Please distributes this information to the wider family / friend group.
We again thank everyone for their cooperation during these unprecedented times.
Remain Safe, Remain Vigilant
Nathan Willoughby
Executive Director of Operations
On behalf of The Finley Regional Care Team