Good afternoon everyone,
The COVID–19 pandemic continues to provide challenges each day. We are very pleased to report that Finley Regional Care continues to be free of any Influenza like Illnesses (including COVID-19).
Today’s update provides details of the policy and procedures for visiting loved ones in the residential aged care facility. These have been developed in consultation with a number of parties and under the umbrella of the Federal Government’s: “Industry Code for Visiting Residential Aged Care Homes During COVID-19”. These processes will continue to be monitored and reviewed as circumstances change. Whilst not perfect, we have endeavoured to balance the risk and safety of the residents and staff with the need to maintain social connectedness during these trying times.
In short, from today under our Stage 1B restrictions (see attached) with conditions, visits to residents can recommence.
Family and friends can book a face to face visit for 30 minutes on weekdays. In addition, we continue to support and facilitate contact between loved ones using videoconferencing and telephone calls for longer catch ups and in exceptional circumstances, other types of visits.
I would specifically like to thank the lifestyle team for their continued work in this space, often under stressful and emotional challenges – they do an amazing job.
Thank you to all of our community for your support and understanding during this event, there are better times ahead.
Nathan Willoughby
Executive Director of Operations
On behalf of The Finley Regional Care Team
Effective Monday 25th May 2020
Please find below detail of the current visitation guidelines for Finley Regional Care, taken directly from the new Finley Regional Care “Visitor Access during Pandemic, Epidemic, Regional and Organisational Outbreaks of Communicable Diseases” policy. May 2020
Stages of Visitor Access -Stage: 1(B) -Moderate Risk: Code Brown
Defined by:
- Known communicable disease in the Murrumbidgee local health district or
- National Epidemic or International Pandemic declaration eg. COVID-19
Visitors are:
- Family, Friends, or associates of the consumers receiving services
Authorised Visitors:
- “Authorised Visitors” are Executive approved and have a valid reason to enter the facility outside the posted visiting times
- Authorised visitors are approved for exceptional circumstances eg. Palliative Care, extraordinary circumstances, or hardship only
- Authorised visitors still need to meet the screening criteria each time for access
- Authorised visitors will be issued with an “Authorised Visitor” lanyard which must be worn at all times, and
- Stage 1(B) Authorised Visitors are identifiable by a white “Authorised Visitor” lanyard
Visiting hours are:
- Restricted to weekday hours 10am till 4pm (non- public holiday), and
- Authorised Visitors may visit outside these times with prior approval
Visits are controlled by:
- Access through the administration building
- Booking a supervised visit for short duration (30 minutes)
- A screening process on presentation to administration
- Signing the declaration in the visitor record
- Requiring evidence of any immunisation to be kept on record
- Complying with social distancing protocols (No touch – 1.5 to 2 meters separation)
- Only occurring in designated visiting places,
- Physical barriers
- Queuing guides
- Increased communication via electronic / hard copy mediums, and
- Targeted signage
Visits are conditional on:
- Passing the screening process (including temperature checks)
- Compliance with wearing recommended Personal Protective Equipment (Mask)
- Hand hygiene, and
- Any enhanced infection control practices.
Extract from: FRC Visitor Access during Pandemic, Epidemic, Regional and Organisational Outbreaks of Communicable Diseases Policy. May 2020
Conditions of Entry to Finley Regional Care –Residential Aged Care Facility
To Book A Visit
All booked visits:
1. Pre book a visit, 24 hours in advance (at a minimum)
2. Phone the administration: (03) 5883 9600
3. Visits are booked for 30 minutes duration
4. Limited to one booking per resident at a time, and
5. Restricted to 1 visit per resident per day of up to 2 people
Screening Criteria
Visitors will be prohibited from entry if they:
- Have cold / flu like symptoms: I.e.: a fever (>37.5°C) cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath
- Have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 or influenza
- Have returned from overseas in the last 14 days
- Have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days
- Have not been vaccinated against influenza 2020 (Federal Government direction – evidence required), and
- Are a Child aged 16 years or under (special consideration will be made for compassionate reasons)
Note: this screening criteria also applies to:
- Staff, including Service providers eg. physiotherapy, podiatry
- Contractors (For essential works only), and
- Volunteers Under 70 (or 65 with comorbidities)
Procedure for pre booked visit
All visitors must adhere to the following instructions for every visit:
1. Be tested and have a recorded temperature less than 37.5° Celsius on arrival
2. Register at the administration desk,
3. Complete all details in the visitor log
4. Provide evidence of 2020 influenza immunisation (1st time only)
5. Sign the declaration referring to the screening criteria
6. Attend to hand hygiene
7. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if instructed
8. Be escorted to the designated visiting area
9. Only visit the nominated resident in the agreed area
10. Always adhere to social distancing – “No Touch” and maintain a minimum of 1.5 meters distance between each other
11. Cover your sneezing and coughing using cough etiquette (using you forearm or elbow), and
12. Return directly to the exit after visiting – no side trips
Note: unless attending for a compassionate reason, visits are limited to 30 minutes to enable as many visits for as many residents as possible per day.
In addition, the hard surfaces will be cleaned after each visit with a detergent solution and wipe.
Any concerns or issues will be reported to the Executive Director of Operations Immediately
Other Finley Regional Care Services
Administration will be open 9am till 5pm Monday to Thursday (4:30pm Friday), for usual functions
(excluding public holidays).
These include:
- Accounts
- Billing, and
- Appointments with Admission Officer & Complete Care Coordinator
All operations will be conducted following the above-mentioned criteria.
Complete (Home) Care
Complete Care Services are continuing as planned.
- Screening and monitoring will be performed prior to entry into the home
- Essential services will be completed after appropriate precautions are taken
- Some services may be rationalised due to essential requirements, and
- Welfare checks will continue however, this may be by a phone contact or facilitating delivery services and other supports as per individual preferences.
Lifestyle, Activities and Volunteers
We continue to offer activities tailored by the earlier listed restrictions.
- Volunteers over 70-years of age (and 65 with comorbidities) have been directed by the government to minimise activity away from their home, and
- Volunteers under 70 years (or 65 if you have health conditions) are still encouraged to participate due to the increase in smaller groups and 1:1 interaction.
Like all other service areas, they are subject to the above screening criteria.
Virtual Visiting
- Video Conference and Telephone call hook ups are our preferred visiting method
- A virtual Visit can be booked with the Lifestyle Team, and
- To book please call reception (03) 5883 9600
- Hairdressing will continue with no time restrictions, and
- The social distancing rules apply for the waiting areas.
Resident & Representative Meetings
Please note that with the COVID 19 restrictions on gatherings we are proposing the following change to our resident representative meetings:
- Cluster 3 (House 4 & 5) – Thursday 28th May 3:00pm Activities Room
- Cluster 2 (House 2 & 3) – Monday 1st June 3:00pm Cluster 2 Lounge Room
- Representatives Video Conference – Tuesday 2nd June 3:00pm EDO office
- Cluster 1 – 1:1 consultation ongoing
Note: RSVP for Video conference is Friday 29th May at 4pm. A Zoom link will be sent out by email on the following Monday. Please email your request to
Open house each Wednesday 10am – 2pm or please call (03) 5883 9600 to arrange an appointment.
Finley Medical Centre
Phone the clinic for an appointment before presenting to the clinic.
If you have symptoms of a cough / cold / flu please let the reception staff know at the time of making the appointment- instructions will be provided.
- FMC is open with social distancing protocols in place
- It is also using telephone calls and video conferencing for appointments by telehealth
- A new security screen has been fitted to help protect the administration staff, and
- All other services continue as usual including face to face appointments
Communicating with us
Primary source:
- These Finley Regional Care COVID – 19 Updates
- Text messaging
- FRC Web site
Official Government Websites:
- Resident & Representative Meetings – these are currently being reviewed and restructured including video conferencing functions, and
- FRC Facebook
Finley Regional Care continues to be supplied with required supplies of Personal Protective Equipment and other required items. As the Pandemic continues, we are being supported by State and Federal Government Agencies to maintain these supplies as an essential service. Whilst supplies will continue, there is ongoing challenges. PPE is to be used as directed.
Non-Essential Appointments
External non-essential appointments, elective operations and procedures have been affected by the COVID-19 restrictions.
Please contact the relevant service for more information.
For information regarding attending an appointment off site please speak with the Registered Nurse or Team Leaders. Allied Health services will continue as usual.
If you have any questions please call administration during business hours, 9am till 4:30pm Monday to Friday on (03) 5883 9600.
Nathan Willoughby, EDO