How to transition and settle into aged care
Moving from your family home into an aged care facility can be a challenging time for everyone involved – particularly if the move isn’t entirely …
Moving from your family home into an aged care facility can be a challenging time for everyone involved – particularly if the move isn’t entirely …
There’s nothing like getting out into the garden. You can feel the immediate benefits of spending time in the great outdoors, enjoying the beauty of …
How long have you worked at Finley? Six-and-a-half years. What interested you in working in Aged Care? After caring for my Grandfather I became …
The decision to move into an aged care facility is a big one, and can be a challenging experience both for the older person and their family. Many …
The decision to move into residential aged care is a significant one and can cause conflicted feelings in older people. This is especially true if …
While aging often gets a bad rap, there are actually many positives only experienced by those entering the grey brigade. Getting older has its perks – …
An appreciation of the needs of Australia’s aging population, and spending on aged care have been central to the 2018 Federal budget, with older …
Older Australians are putting unnecessary strain on their wellbeing and finances by putting off making decisions about aged care. The choice of …
Moving into an aged care home can be a difficult and emotional time, but making smart choices and preparing well can ease the process. Download our e-book to learn what to avoid and what to prioritise…