Included in today’s update are details of our visitor restriction changes and announcement of the commencement of weekend visits*.
Last Thursday a local outbreak in Shepparton affected FRC significantly. Following the outbreak, NSW Health directed all Residential Aged Care Facilities within the Border Region to deny entry to anyone who has been to Shepparton. This direction remains in place!
As a result, 19 staff were required to stay away from work; and 44 shifts had to be urgently covered. I would like to personally thank everyone for their superhuman efforts, going above and beyond working extra hours, days, double shifts etc to ensure that FRC continued to function in a safe way.
Thankfully, the outbreak in Shepparton looks to be under control. We eagerly await changes to the NSW Health direction.
A reminder for everyone to visit or
call the COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 020 080 for all questions in relation to symptoms and testing.
New Visiting Arrangements
As of Friday the 23rd of October, FRC – Residential Aged Care is allowing Authorised Visitors under the following conditions:
- The 2 for 1 for 2 Rule
2 Authorised Visitors per
1 Resident, may visit together for
2 Hours in total - Visiting Hours are:
- Business days 9:30am till 4:00pm and
- Weekends (*when staffed) 10am till 4pm and via a booking
* Staffing in Administration on weekends is variable and may change at short notice.
This may affect (cancel) visits. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
Bookings for any visits on the Weekend is essential – Booked visitors will be contacted, if affected.
All other conditions remain the same.
- All visitors, staff and contractors still need to pass the daily screening process! (Hotspots change daily)
- Only 2 nominated family members or representatives will be Authorised per resident
- This will be known as either; the Residents Authorised Visitor or Residents Authorised Carer
- All other parties can book a window visit in our new Visitor Room (see photos below)
- The Authorised persons will undertake an induction, including infection control training
- They will be required to sign a Statuary Declaration to abide by the conditions of entry and
- Authorised Visits will be in the resident’s rooms or in the garden spaces (weather permitting)
- Visits will be for up to 2 hours, once per day – During Visiting Hours
- Bookings will be required for Weekend visits and Window visits in the visitor room at all times
- Existing exemptions for Compassionate Grounds will continue.
Note: Carers will have variable arrangements depending on the individual needs.
For those who are not Authorised Visitors or Carers
Other family and friends can continue to use the other methods for virtual visiting by pre booking a:
- Visitor Room Window visit (including weekends when Administration is staffed),
- Video Conference and
- Phone calls.
All bookings are limited, please call Administration for details. (03) 5883 9600.
- Airconditioned Comfort– indoors and out of the Elements,
- Microphone and Headphone system to ensure clear communication
- COVID-19 Safe and Comfortable
Please distributes this information to the wider family / friend group.
We again thank everyone for their cooperation during these unprecedented times.
Remain Safe, Remain Vigilant
Nathan Willoughby
Executive Director of Operations
On behalf of The Finley Regional Care Team