The high tea for our volunteers was held on Tuesday 16th May, and we received lovely feedback from our volunteers, that they had enjoyed the morning very much.
Cinema continues to run Fridays and Mondays with two showings each day, and resident feedback has been very positive about the experience. Currently the Shop is only open every Monday from 10.00am-12.00 noon, but more volunteers are being sought so that we can have it open on Wednesday morning as well.
Pre-school children from both the Early Learning Centre and Birralee Pre-School are continuing to come to visit and are now becoming much more comfortable doing activities with the FRC residents. Bus outings are slowing a little, due to inclement weather, but flexibility is the key, and we are still trying to continue a scenic drive on a regular basis. Active games (bowls, skittles, minigolf, bobs) and now our new bean bag toss, are still being enjoyed by the participants. Craft is held weekly, cooking fortnightly, and men’s group is very popular.
As well, Faye provided one of her special afternoons of games recently, and Rob Atcheson came along and played musical “guess that tune” for us. Our monthly Wine and Dine was held on Wednesday 3rd May, and as always, was enjoyed by the residents. Weekly social club continues with alternating activities – trivia, singalongs/Karaoke, armchair travel, and quizzes.
Residents (and their families) are welcome to make suggestions for further activity ideas.