Tanya Coulter, Operations Manager, and Lisa Healy, Kitchen Team Leader, made the trip to Melbourne recently to the 2018 Catering Services Award Gala Dinner representing Finley Regional Care as a finalist for the 2018 Catering Services Award for our use of Souped Up on iPads.
Early this year we introduced Souped Up, an online catering software program written by a Dietician, which provides complete dietary and menu management for our Residents.
This program has greatly enhanced our already house-made menu for our Residents allowing for all recipes to be made from fresh produce sourced daily. There is a multitude of recipes providing our Residents with more variety and greater choices, including some of the their favourites, Lamb Hot Pot, Prawn Cutlets, Curried Prawns, Fish Korma, Cheesecakes and Summer Berry Pudding.
There are many different clinical dietary requirements, allergies, dislikes, preferences, and cultural needs and SoupedUp has provided us with an easy way to create a better experience for our residents with the many recipe choices. The hard work has been done for us.
Unfortunately, we were not a winner but Finley Regional Care felt very honoured to be selected as a finalist as there was many major players involved from all around Australia.
Board of Management and Ben Levesque, CEO, congratulated Tanya and Lisa and all the team for the implementation and management of such a wonderful and beneficial program for our Residents and also the success of being nominated as a finalist at Hospitality and Lifestyle Aged Care Awards in the Facility Catering Services Category.
P.S. Lisa had an extra special night winning a lucky door prize which was a $50 restaurant voucher.