There’s one in every family! In our family his name is Kristin. The residents at Finley Regional Care love having visitors – family, friends, pets, long lost cousins…..
But every now and then they get a “special” visitor. Sometimes this visitor is here for a special occasions and sometimes they appear at random out of nowhere just to create some mischief.
It might be for a flutter on the cup or a highland sword dance but rest assured it will never be dull! He looks equally at home in a Santa Suit as he does in a ball gown and if he shaves off his beard you sometimes wouldn’t even know who had come to spice up the day. It’s all about having a laugh and creating the most fun possible and if all the smiles are anything to go by we’re doing okay.
Here at FRC we are super lucky to have this fella Kristin pop in as a ‘special’ visitor occasionally, adding a smile and a definite sparkle to our residents’ day and also our staff certainly have a giggle or two as well.